Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tomorrow it is pink shirt day to help raise awareness of bullying and how we can help to create an Aotearoa based on mutual respect, reduced bullying occurrences and healthy relationships.
This is an annual event celebrated throughout New Zealand and the world, Pink Shirt Day aims to create a New Zealand where all people feel safe, valued and respected. While Pink Shirt Day is celebrated on only one day per year, we all recognise that the work needed to prevent bulling must continue throughout the year to make a real difference. Pink Shirt Day is about starting conversations and taking action.
We are all going to wear something pink to show our support for such a cause... as it is serious we are not wearing silly wigs or painting our faces! Pink socks, hair ties, ribbons, badges etc are all excellent ways of showing our support. We are also making our own anti-bullying slogans to go on our own pink t-shirts... photos up soon!
SO please take part in this important day and remember ...

Bullying: it's not our future!!


  1. bullies is not ok.M.I.

  2. I love your pink shirts that you made.j.h.l.
