Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The day the Alpacas came...

We were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr and Mrs Mathews today who bought along some of their amazing alpacas for a visit. We learnt a lot about them and some of us were lucky enough to be able to touch one. When we went back to class we wrote down all of the things that described an alpaca and made a SOLO map. Mrs Reid thinks she might like her own alpaca farm in the country somewhere....

Homework this week...

This week for homework we want you to learn your spelling, your basic facts, do your reading and one other thing... learn the words to "Under the Sea"!
This song is in our production coming up next term so we need to know it off by heart. You all have the words in your homework book or you can find it on our blog.
Happy learning!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

The awards this week go to...

This week our STP award goes to J.V. for having outstanding descriptive sentences in our cameo writing. She is really starting to think about the audience's enjoyment. Well done!!
Our new value this term is HONESTY and B.P always shows this... even when the outcome may not be so good!! This shows that she is trustworthy and can be relied on which is a very important value to have!!
Awesome work ladies!
Our Triramas on PhotoPeach

Friday, May 25, 2012

The school Busy Bee award goes to...

At this mornings house assembly Miss Pillay gave out the school busy bee award. We were lucky enough to have the award go to J.d-W!!! She received this award for doing so well with her reading and making good progress! Well done from all of room 17!! :-)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mane  lion  lioness  cub  tail  teeth  fur  whiskers  claws  paws  ears  eyes  pads  grass legs  nose  nostrils 

Verbs (doing word)
Nip  tear  hunt  roar  growl  run  prowl  pounce  attack  leap  sniff  rub  touch  crouching lying  resting  digesting 

Sandy  yellowish  triangular nose  bushy  hairy  rough  furry  dirty  pointy  sharp  round  smelly 
relaxed  sleepy  inquisitive  lazy 

Adverbs (describe the verb)
Fiercely  ferociously  loudly
Powerfully  angrily  lazily  quickly 
swiftly  cautiously

The sandy lion cub cautiously sniffed his enormous bushy -maned father who lay digesting his dinner on the grassy savannah.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Some of our descriptive sentences

The spotted and ferocius leopard rested limply on a branch.

Some killer eagles sat on a thick brown branch staring at juicy fish.

Eagles sitting in a tree looking for fish, delicous fish!

The two fat puffy eagles sat on the branch.

The sleepy exhausted leopard drooped lazily on his branch.

The lazy leopard lay relaxed in the sun.

The spotted ferocious brown and black leopard lay sleepily dreaming of meat.

The two fierce eagles with their feet fixed to the branch are waiting for a big juicy fish to jump out of the water.

The eagles are watching with their super sonic eyes for delicous prey.

Two perched eagles are sitting on one long branch staring at some juicy fish.

The lazy spotted leopard lay down lonely.

The leopard is sleeping on a brown tree trunk exhausted from chasing prey.

The powerful and ferocious eagles are staring hard at delicous fish.

The spotty exhausted leopardis sleeping in the tree.

Two eagles perching, puffed up and cold staring at a juicy fish.

Two puffed up eagles sat patiently on a big brown branch spying on yummy nutricous fish.

The two big fierce carnivore eagles are sitting...

The two fierce eagles sat relaxing on a thick branch.

Two vicious eagles on a branch staring longingly at two fish.

The vicious eagles sat powerfully on a thin grey twig staring at a juicy fish.

The leopard looks like it is exhausted, very very tired and very very big.

More to come tomorrow.....

Cameo writing part 1

Adjectives (describing words)
Lazing  big  wild  full  alone
Exhausted  spotted  tired
Ferocious  sleepy  lonely  lazy
Green  orange  yellow  black
White  brown  blue  tired

Verbs (describing words)
Dreaming  sleeping 
dribbling  lying  relaxing  staring  snoozing  looking
digesting  drooping

Nouns  (Naming words)
Tummy  back  legs  head  mouth  ears  eyes  feet  tail  paws  trunk  branch  leaves  twigs  sky  forest 

Adverbs  (describe the verb)
Contentedly  happily 

The exhausted spotted leopard lay contentedly along the large brown tree trunk dreaming of more delicious prey.

Cameo writing part two

Eagles  twig  branch  stick  feathers  beak  eyes  claws  feet  shadow  sky   fog   body  tail  wings  head   nostrils

Verbs (doing word)
Sitting  staring  perching  lazing  grabbing  grasping  relaxing
 looking  standing  spying  puffing-up  waiting  crouching 

Yellow  brown  white  blue  black  grey   orange  cold  chilly  fat  thin  curved  rounded  pointed  hooked  ruffled   fierce  vicious  carnivores  predators  colourful  fixed  warm downy
Adverbs (describe the verb)
Powerfully  piercingly   hungrily  eagerly  hungrily  friendly  viciously  patiently

 Our final sentence:
The two feathery puffed up eagles sat on a thick brown branch staring powerfully at delicious fish.

Mrs Prince was a parent help on our trip to the zoo. She has made an amazing powerpoint showing what her group did and saw on the day! It is an awesome show so thank you Mrs Prince. Your group looked like they had loads of fun... and learnt things as well.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The awards this week go to...

This week our STP award goes to N.B for always working to her BEST and being a fantastic class member. She is always doing the right thing and works hard to complete her work to a wonderful standard! Mrs Reid is lucky to have her in her class.
Our Value this term is Responsibility and one member of the class who demonstrates this well is J.V. She is able to look after her pens and pencils, book bag, clothing and slippers along with keeping up with her work and making sure she does what needs doing! A fantastic effort!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Our stand against bullying!


Under the sea....

We are beginning to learn songs for our Middle School Production "Under the Sea" and this is the first song. Play it often (unless it starts to drive mum or dad mad) and you will start to pick up the words!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bullying.... it's not our future!

Slogans for our shirts...

Stop it, I don’t like it!

 Think before you do!

 No bullies at Botany!

 We play fair, no bullies here!


 Be safe, have fun!

 Bully-free zone!

 Bullies rule…NOT!!

 Stop Bullying!

 Bullying not available here!

Can you think of any other cool slogans we could put on our t-shirts?

Tomorrow it is pink shirt day to help raise awareness of bullying and how we can help to create an Aotearoa based on mutual respect, reduced bullying occurrences and healthy relationships.
This is an annual event celebrated throughout New Zealand and the world, Pink Shirt Day aims to create a New Zealand where all people feel safe, valued and respected. While Pink Shirt Day is celebrated on only one day per year, we all recognise that the work needed to prevent bulling must continue throughout the year to make a real difference. Pink Shirt Day is about starting conversations and taking action.
We are all going to wear something pink to show our support for such a cause... as it is serious we are not wearing silly wigs or painting our faces! Pink socks, hair ties, ribbons, badges etc are all excellent ways of showing our support. We are also making our own anti-bullying slogans to go on our own pink t-shirts... photos up soon!
SO please take part in this important day and remember ...

Bullying: it's not our future!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Awards this week...

This week our Special Terrific Persons award goes to N.L for considerable improvement in listening to and following instructions resulting in some good work! Well done and please keep it up!!
Our value is responsibility and A.B has shown this by taking it upon himself to get his homework done to an excellent standard. Awesome!

Homework this week...

After our fantastic trip to the zoo last week we are going to use some of the things we saw and learnt for this weeks homework. For the next two weeks we want you to choose your favourite zoo animal and recreate its habitat using a trirama. Your teacher has given you a piece of paper that you can use to create your trirama. Think about the habitats you saw at the zoo and what you have read in books to recreate the perfect habitat for your animal. As well as this you need to write out some interesting information about your animal and glue it to the front. Be creative and your habitat may make it onto the blog in a couple of weeks time.
It is due in class on Friday 25th May.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Some BEST work

Our zoo questions

Q. When was the first giraffe born?

A. It was born around 2000bc and its ancestors are 8 million years old.
Q. Where do rhinos come from?

A. Africa and Southern Asia

Q. Why do elephants have big ears?

A. They use their ears to signal each other, also to keep themselves cool.

Q. Do rhinos have tails?

A. Yes

Q. Why do lions have manes?

A. It protects the lion while it is fighting.

Q. Why do zebras have stripes?

A. So they can camouflage in a herd.

Q. How long does an elephant sleep?

A.  Only 2 hours a day.

Q. What colour are lions?

A. Sandy coloured.

Q. What do Siamans eat?

A. They eat fruit, leaves, spiders, small birds, tree bark, bird eggs and berries.

Q. How tall do giraffes get?

A. 10-15 metres tall and they have 7 bones in their neck and their tongues are 43 cm long.

Q. How fast do seals swim?

A. 60 miles per hour.

Q. What does a zebra eat?

A. It eats hay.

Q. Why are giraffes so tall?

A. They need to be tall to reach the tops of trees where the leaves are for their food.

Q. Why do turtles have shells?

A. To protect themselves.

Q. Why do meerkats stand up?

A. To keep guard for predators like snakes and foxes.

Q. How many different colours does a peacock have?

A. 10

Q. Do spiders eat insects?

A. Yes

Q. How long is a giraffes neck?

A. 3-4 meters

Q. What is the smallest animal?

A. A gecko (type of lizard)

Q. How do crocodiles swim?

A. They use their tails to push through the water and for balance.

Q. Why does a crocodile stay in one spot?

A. So they look like logs and food will come up to them.

Q. How many spots does a leopard have?

A. 100 +

 Q. What do lions eat?

A. Meat
We went to the zoo (Part 2) on PhotoPeach
We went to the zoo (Part 1) on PhotoPeach
On Sunday the 13th May it is a very special day. It is Mother's Day and we want to wish all of our mums and nanas and grandmas and grannys a very happy day. We love you with all our hearts and we know you love us too. Have a super day.


Mother's Day Breakfast

This morning our wonderful PTA put on a Mother's Day breakfast. We had a huge turn out and mums had lots to eat and drink. Here are some of the awesome mums and Nanas from our class. After the breakfast we got to watch a very special Mother's Day assembly put on by room 23... it rocked!! What an excellent way to start a Friday.

Monday, May 7, 2012

This week's awards go to...

This week our Special Terrific Person Award goes to a young man for showing a more mature attitude towards his work and being a helpful member of class. Well done to you for having such an outstanding week.
Our value is Responsibility and this week S.P has been spotted being just that.... he has a wonderful attitude towards school and is helping his teacher and his classmates really well.
An Awesome week for you both, keep it up!

Homework this week...

This week our homework is in two parts.....
As you all know we are off to the zoo on Wednesday so before we go we want you to think about the animals you will see. After you have thought about the animals you need to decide on 5 questions you want to find out about the animals in the Auckland zoo.
While you are at the zoo you need to find out the answers to your questions then write the answers down in your homwork book.

Looking for some awesome books on our Inquiry topic? You need look no further than our very own library... these books have been set aside for us all to share so enjoy them but remember to put them back neatly.

“Hi everyone, this is my new friend, Freddy. You may have seen him in the library. He loves reading too!  We have something exciting to tell you...the librarians are going to choose two people every lunch time who are showing fantastic library behaviour to put their names in a special box. At the end of term we will draw one name out and that person will get a special reading prize pack. Cool aye? So remember to read and walk quietly while you are in the library.”

Friday, May 4, 2012

My BEST work

A.B did an excellent piece of homework this week complete with a fabulous picture! Well done, this is how homework should look!!


 For homework this week we had to think about "what if there were no zoos?"

We wouldn't be able to learn about animals and we wouldn't be able to care for them.

We could get hurt by animals roaming free.

If there were no zoos all the animals would run around and bite people.

People would be hunting for animals without any control.

No good for the environment.

People might hunt them and they would become extinct.

We wouldn't be able to help endangered animals.

We would not see any wild animals close up.

We wouldn't learn about animals.

Scientists would not be able to study animals unless they went to the animals country of origin.

Some animals wouldn't have a home.

We would have to go to different countries to see animals.

You wouldn't know what they do.

There would be no animals from other countries.

The animals would be chased.

They would be running around the city.

People would have to go to a jungle to see an animal.

Everybody would be sad.

Lots of animals would be extinct.

Animals would be sad and we couldn't see them.

Animals might be happier in their own environment.

People wouldn't know what animals sounded like.

It would be dangerous.

There would be no zookeepers.

Kids wouldn't be able to see any animals.

There would be more wild animals than nice ones.

Animals might eat wrong food.

The animals would have freedom.

There would be one less attraction to go to in a city.

Some animals would become extinct, zoos help endangered species by breeding more and releasing them back into the wild.

Most zoos have breeding programs that help increase numbers.

What else could happen if we had no zoos?