Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mane  lion  lioness  cub  tail  teeth  fur  whiskers  claws  paws  ears  eyes  pads  grass legs  nose  nostrils 

Verbs (doing word)
Nip  tear  hunt  roar  growl  run  prowl  pounce  attack  leap  sniff  rub  touch  crouching lying  resting  digesting 

Sandy  yellowish  triangular nose  bushy  hairy  rough  furry  dirty  pointy  sharp  round  smelly 
relaxed  sleepy  inquisitive  lazy 

Adverbs (describe the verb)
Fiercely  ferociously  loudly
Powerfully  angrily  lazily  quickly 
swiftly  cautiously

The sandy lion cub cautiously sniffed his enormous bushy -maned father who lay digesting his dinner on the grassy savannah.

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