Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Hour Fun

Room 17 was briefly turned into a hairdressing salon this afternoon. During happy hour the girls set about transforming anyone within reach into dazzling divas.... nice way to spend an afternoon. :-)

Thanks PTA

 We have just had our free iceblock from the marvelous Botany Downs PTA. We all agree it is the absolute best way to start the weekend..... THANK YOU PTA... YOU ROCK!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


FREE Fruju Friday.  This Friday 30th March is our last Fruju Friday for the summer. The PTA would like to thank you for supporting Fruju Friday, by making this week FREE Fruju Friday. Each pupil will be given a ticket by their teacher on Friday for one ice block, which they can redeem after school. No ticket no free ice block, no exceptions. Parents and siblings sorry, but you still will need to pay for yours.  It has been a very popular fundraiser, and a great way to end our week, thank you to all our helpers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I've got a feeling...

 We are looking at "feelings' at the moment as part of our Inquiry topic and we looked at two feelings yesterday; anger and surprise. We all thought about a time we felt these feelings and we wrote some down. When have you felt these feelings?

Monday, March 26, 2012

The awards this week go to...

This week the Special Terrific Persons Award goes to J.W for being a quiet, conscientious student who always works to a good standard. That means he gets on with it without needing to be reminded all the time by the teacher!! He works hard every day and thoroughly deserves this award.
Our Value is Respect and L.C is working hard to display this. She has tried really hard with her behaviour and it has seen her make many more friends in the classroom... I am very proud of her achievement!
Well done guys :-)

Homework this week....

This is the last week for producing your poster about a New Zealand role model (our house leaders). Don't forget to include at least 8 facts about your leader! Think about how you are going to present your information and make it easy for people to read. How will you grab the readers attention? Have fun and we cannot wait to see all of your hard work.....
Due Friday 30th

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lest We Forget

We have been starting to look at ANZAC day and why it is so important for all New Zealander's to be involved. We have been reading a book about why we need to remember all of the soldiers who died for us and why we wear a poppy as a sign of rememberance and respect. We then made our own poppies to go into the library with the awesome ANZAC day display. Go have a look and let us know your thoughts on ANZAC day.

This week for writing we had trouble with our planes...

More interesting words

The dog sat on the rug.

The spotty red dog sat on the rug.

The spotty red dog sat quietly on the rug.

The spotty red dog sat quietly on the colourful patterned rug.

(Which one do you prefer?)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interesting Words

We have looked at ways of making our writing more interesting for the reader. We looked at two sentences and changed the 'boring' word for a far more exciting one.... see what you think!

I went home.                                                         The tree was big.
drove                                                                     huge
ran                                                                         enormous
rushed                                                                    large
skipped                                                                  gigantic
walked                                                                   tall
scootered                                                               humongous
sprinted                                                                 massive

We will continue to write more interesting sentences and share them with you. Maybe you could write one to us...

Monday, March 19, 2012

This weeks awards go to...

Thsi week our Special Terrific Award goes to A.B for an excellent effort with writing. He has gone from being a 'lazy' writer to one who uses his awesome imagination and is now writing fabulous descriptive sentences. His work has improved a lot in a very short space of time and we hope it continues.... Well done!!
Our Value for the rest of the term is Respect and when we think of that we think of T.A... he is always very respectful of others and it is a delight to have him in our room.
Well done guys!!!!

Wet day fun..

O.S and K.R created an Alien at morning tea today.... very scary!!

Mrs Reid has had a haircut and these drawings are pretty spot on as to her new look... thank you M.I and C.V!

Flash MySpace Toys

Homework this week...

This week you are going to continue with your poster on your House Leader. Remember that we want to see at least 8 facts about your House Leader... also.... think about why we chose them to be our House Leaders....How do they fit with "Our BEST Always"?
This task is due on Friday 30th March.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our Last Day with Wayne...

Swimming with Wayne = AWESOME TIME
We are a little sad that today was our last swimming lesson this year with our awesome coach Wayne. He has helped us to learn to swim and to be confident in and around water. We all know the rules of being safe around water and most of us can float, blow bubbles (out our mouths, not our....) and swim streamlined across the width of the pool. We want to thank Wayne and his team for helping us to know what to do around water..... Wayne you rock!!!

 We looked at creating a class Leadership Code. Once we had read it through and discussed it we signed it to show that we agree and will follow it.

 These are some examples of our Best work. We have been looking at WHO is a leader and have come up with many in each category.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We won...

Recently our team 2 played against room 16 and we are pleased to announce that we won the game, there is some discrepency in the score but a win is a win. Well done to both teams for being involved in what looks like a very exciting game. Again the children of room 17 took the camera out to capture the action....