Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Helping those who need help

A few weeks ago our K.R gave up two hours of her weekend to help collect money for the S.P.C.A. (The Society for the Provention of Cruelty towards Animals) What a wonderful thing to do to help out those in need. Her special certificate has arrived and we are all very proud of her! Well done K!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

The luckiest boy at Botany Downs....

Our very own O.S won the lollipop tree from our Gala on Friday night. His guess was the closest so he won over 670 lollipops..... WOW! That is over a years supply.
Being the super lovely boy that he is he bought some in to school today to share with the class.
Thank you O!!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Tonight's the night...

Come along tonight from 5-8 for an amazing time at our School Fair. We have seen the map and there is sooooo much food to choose from, so many sweet treats and loads of games and stalls! Come along and be part of the fun.....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What is this about Mums and Dads? Go to and read more.....

Lantern Fun

We made some amazing Chinese styled lanterns as part of our look at celebrations. They are bright and colourful and have a dragon on it. 2012 is the year of the dragon in Chinese culture. We added a little bit of glitter in one spot to add some sparkle. They look beautiful all hanging in the room.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The amazing eclipse

Yesterday during the eclipse Mrs Reid's son managed to take this awesome photo of the partial eclipse. What a wonderful experience we all had.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Partial Eclipse

This morning at 9.18am we were lucky enough to witness a partial solar eclipse. A.B had a very cool way that we were able to watch the moon pass through the path of the sun's rays. It was really exciting to see the world get dull. We all went outside for a photo when it was at its peak (87%) at 10.28am and continued to watch the moon's progress throughout the morning. It will be a long time until the next eclipse so we feel very lucky to have witnessed this one.

A photo of the sun at the start of the eclipse taken through the special lens made by A.B's mum.

It is quite dull with the sun being covered by the moon. A.B

The sun is shaped like the moon  but it's orange. J.V

The sun is so small but it is actually huge. O.S

I think is is very interesting and wierd how it is shaped like the moon even though it is the sun. K.R

It looks like the moon is out in the day and it is quite wierd. V.V

The sun looks like a cookie being eaten and is red. S.V

It feels like we are working in the evening. L.C
We witnessed the 2012 partial eclipse.... woohoooooo.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Athletics Days...

This week we have our Athletics Days for the Senior and Junior school.

 If you are 8 (as of 1Nov) or older you will be with the Senior Athletics and this is on Wednesday.
You need to bring your sports gear, shoes, hat, sunblock and a named water bottle. The day will begin at 9.10am and run through until 2.45. Year 3 children can be selected for the inter-schools athletics day only in the sprints so race hard and see how you do.

If you are 7 or younger you will compete with the Junior school and your Athletics day is on this Friday. You need to bring your sports gear, shoes, hat, sunblock and a named water bottle. The day will begin at 11am and run through until 2.45. Mums and dads are welcome to come watch.

Have a wonderful day and come with all of the things you need along with a great attitude and a smile (then you will already be a winner!)


This week there is no homework! Well..... you need to continue reading and recording each book in your Kluewell and continue to practise your poem. You don't know which day your name will be called so you need to be ready.

Friday, November 2, 2012

We co-hosted assembly today...

This morning Room's 17 and 10 put on our school assembly. We had the Kindy join us for a song, we read poems, shared our Rangoli designs and sang our favourite song (Bruno Mars' Count on me). It all went really well and Ms Lala and Mrs Reid were very proud of how well we did!

Rangoli Art

We made Rangoli art patterns with our Buddy Class (room 10) on a sunny Friday afternoon. We copied some patterns using chalk on the concrete. They are bright and colourful and we think they look fantastic!